Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Farmgirl Fare

CAPTION: "Photo Courtesy of Farmgirl Fare."

I recently came across Farmgirl Fare, a blog about a woman, Susan, who describes farm life in a way that will make almost anyone want to go out and start a farm or at least increase their appreciation of farm life. At least that is how I responded (don't worry mom I am not going anywhere). For now I am content with just frequently visiting Farmgirl Fare.

Susan writes in her blog, "Nearly everyone dreams of moving to the country, but few are crazy enough to actually do it. I am one of those few. In 1994, at 26, I sold my bakery cafe, packed 200 boxes of books & antiques, & waved goodbye to California. Armed with a basic knowledge of gardening, an overenthusiastic sense of adventure, & lots of naivete, I dragged 4 cats, a huge dog, & my equally greenhorn husband to a 280-acre, 140-year-old farm in the middle of nowhere. I became cook, gardener, shepherd, farmhand, vet, surrogate mom, wildlife expert, midwife, & undertaker."

Twelve years later she now has a new farm and countless tales about her sheep, chickens, 2 dogs, 7 cats, 2 llamas & an adorable donkey named Dan. To check out what is happening on the farm go to Farmgirl Fare.

1 comment:

brexians said...

nice pictures keep up